The National Stem Cell foundation of Australia (NSCFA) was established in mid-2011 as the follow-on organisation from the Australian Stem Cell Centre. When the Centre had reached the end of its Government funding cycle, it was essential the money raised continued to be directed towards stem cell research and public education so the NSCFA was set up to continue to fund the development of stem cell technology, and increase public awareness.
The NSCFA is a public company limited by guarantee (ABN: 84 152 713 098) that has been endorsed by the ATO as a charitable body with deductible gift recipient status.
We are committed to open and transparent governance and below you will find links to our full financial reports. We are also an ACNC Registered Charity and proudly display this logo. The ACNC Tick of Charity Registration aims to gives reassurance to the public that the charity is transparent and accountable by highlighting its presence on the ACNC Charity Register.