Each year the Foundation awards two $60,000 Metcalf Prizes for Stem Cell Research to two up-and-coming scientists to boost their career to the next level.
The winners are selected by a jury of research leaders for their scientific excellence, proven leadership ability and the potential to have a continuing influence on stem cell research in Australia.
Past Metcalf Prize winners include:
- Sydney bioengineer Jiao Jiao Li
- Melbourne gastric stem cell biologist Dustin Flanagan
- Sydney cell biologist Anai Gonzalez-Cordero
- Melbourne clinical haematologist Ashley Ng
- Brisbane clinical haematologist Siok Tey
- Canberra computer scientist Pengyi Yang
- Melbourne molecular biologist Melanie Eckersley-Maslin
- Brisbane clinical haematologist Steven Lane
- Brisbane mammary stem cell researcher Felicity Davis
- Brisbane bioengineer James Hudson
- Newcastle leukaemia researcher Heather Lee
- Melbourne heart development researcher Enzo Porrello
- Brisbane computational biologist Jessica Mar
- Melbourne haematologist Mark Dawson
- Melbourne immunologist Tracy Heng
- Sydney heart clinician and researcher James Chong
- Melbourne bioinformatician Christine Wells
- Perth geneticist Ryan Lister
- Tasmanian neural stem cell researcher Kaylene Young
- Monash University reprogramming legend Jose Polo.
The Metcalf Prizes for Stem Cell Research recognise and honour the exceptional contribution made to stem cell research by the late Professor Donald Metcalf. Over his 50-year career, Don helped transform cancer treatment and transplantation medicine, and paved the way for potential stem cell therapy in the treatment of many other conditions.